Smugness and overconfidence


11 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Powhatan Va
I was so proud of my chicken run, fence buried, top covered electric fence, I really thought I had it covered. Mr. LePu has dug a serious tunnel, it starts about 5 feet out and must go down a few feet. into about two fet inside the run. Girls are shut in the coop safe and sound. I almost stepped on the bugger. It is happily wandering around, eating chicky kibble, drinking their water.
I guess I learned. you can never be too safe. It does not look big enough to do a big chicken much harm, but first light I am filling that tunnel in, and then try to figure out how to prevent any more....
Very pretty for a vermin. Never acted threatened, TG.

Off to find a sedative....
Wow...that was a close call!
Yeah, I know how you feel - I had just defeated a major predator problem, and thought all was well. Then a giant tree crushed my coop, and some of the chickens.

You just pay your money and take your chances in this world!
That is the plan. I can't believe the size of the tunnel, not big around, but long and deep. and comes up right behind the center post of my coop so you can't see it unless you crawl under.

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