Snacks for chicks

NJ Chick Family

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
Hello everyone!
I was wondering if there are any foods that you guys give to your chicks that they love (other than there normal feed). My chickens are about 2 weeks old and we tried a strawberry and they didn't seem to like it too much. Please leave suggestions below or tell me what your chicks like to eat. Thanks!!
Meal worms? Mine go crazy for them :) just remember to use grit for any treats
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Mine also go nuts for meal-worms and clumps of grass with dirt attached. Its their favorite part of the day! Mine are also 2 weeks old.
There's a BYC treats chart, but truth is, they can eat almost anything you can -- though you should avoid desserts and very salty foods. Chickens usually go for strawberries or any fruit well, but it's also par for the course for them to be afraid of anything new, even something yummy. Of course you want things in small pieces and not too hard or tough at this age. A bit of plain yogurt mixed with a bit of chick crumble makes a great treat for young chicks, and is a probiotic, too.
Mine didn't like strawberries or yogurt but they loved almost every other kind of fruit and veggie. They recently devoured some watermelon. And they go nuts when I go for the mealworm container.
oatmeal, cooked or uncooked! But I also gave them free choice rough sand in a bowl so they could have some grit
Yes def. have grit available once you start snacking them...
I am Queen of feeding snacks (they love it and I love to "treat" them)-- mine LOVE cherry tomatoes (right off the bush), flies, moths, fresh corn on the cob is Heaven on Earth from them espec. fresh out the refridgerator on these hot summer days--
But, I dont want to imbalance their diet too much as the starter feed is what they need to develop correctly-- so one of their very favorites (behind corn and moths which are their top two) is a bowl of mash-- just their feed mixed with water to a oatmeal/mush consistency-- they get put to bed in the coop with it every night, and finish it in the AM before I get up to let them out ..That way I can sleep in til 9am or so knowing they have their mash to keep them busy...
Scrambled egg with chick grit sprinkles! You can through in chopped vegi's too, whatever you have extra of. They may look at it crosseyed for a minute but the sprinkles will tempt them to try and once they get a mouthful they should go nuts.
What exactly is grit? Mine are on a dirt floor in my feed room floor next to my barn, does the dirt floor give them grit, they also get a big clod of earth every morning with Huge Dandelions attached to it. Worms, bugs, greens and withing an hour, the dirt is all blended into the floor.
Grit is just small rocks. Tiny fragments at their age but if they are in dirt chances are they will find the right size on their own. My chicks are currently staying in a wood floor coop with wood shavings so they have no access to natural rocks. So I would think you'd be fine just to give them scrambled egg w/o the grit.

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