Snake eating almost-hatched eggs?


10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
Seattle, Washington
I have had this happen twice:

A hen sets, all is well.

Until....A day or two before the eggs are due to hatch, I check on the hen and find the hen pacing back and forth, very upset, and no eggs left in the nest. Not only that, but no evidence of egg shells or anything. Am guessing this has to be a snake. It may be a coincidence that this happened twice right before the eggs were to hatch, but it makes me wonder if when the chicks start peeping and moving as they pip it somehow attracts the snake (the vibrations, etc.?)

I don't know, but based on the fact that I had a snake on my front porch eating my mud thatches two nights in a row, I am moving my broody out of the garage and into the kitchen tonight. There's no more mud thatch hatches for the snake to eat, and that snake is going to come tonight looking for some easy eats. If I see him, he's going to be hoe is at the ready!

I'm sorry 'bout your eggs. It just sucks to be looking forward to some new babies and then they are just gone

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