Snake in nesting box.


8 Years
Oct 22, 2015
Central Missouri
So I have a broody hen who is more than happy to allow other hens in her nesting box to lay eggs. I went to check on everything tonight and I found a black rat snake in the box. Why would she allow the snake in the box with her?


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Broody Hens are like zombies ...they zone out ..I am sure she doesnt know it is there .Kill the snake im sure it is eating eggs and will be back.
Take some of her eggs the ones she is not laying on will not hatch and you might as well eat them
Broody Hens are like zombies ...they zone out ..I am sure she doesnt know it is there .Kill the snake im sure it is eating eggs and will be back.
Take some of her eggs the ones she is not laying on will not hatch and you might as well eat them
Lol, goofy chickens. I think the snake was also using her to keep warm because the eggs you see were all of the eggs in the box. The snake pushed all of the eggs out of the way so she was only sitting on him, except for the one he had just swallowed, which I got back. He is oh so very dead now!
I hear you! Put your hand in with a broody and she'll get all freaky, screech horribly, peck your hand, and possibly go for your eyes. Yet a black snack can creep in and eat her eggs! Go figure! It must be the way the snake slowly creeps in underneath her. She's broody so anything under must be hatched. Even if it has fangs. Chickens......not the brightest when hormones are wacky.
it's best to either separate her or mark her eggs and remove any new eggs daily. Otherwise you are going to end up with a lot of eggs to trash that are going to be full of half-formed chicks.

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