Snake In The Run Aaarrrrrhhhhh


11 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Western Oregon
Ok, so not really a snake compared to some of you other folks, it was an 18 inch garter snake, but please realize, I would rather there be a tarantula and a rat in there instead of a snake, but heres my question, will my 6 week old chicks roust it away, I'm pretty confident it wont hurt them, but I REALLY WANT IT GONE, and me removing it is not an option. I'm hoping with all the activity it will just leave and not come back, as they wouldn't be a food source and are taking away its food source, thanks, Teresa
I wouldn't bother with it. Garter snakes rarely get much bigger than that, and as you said they aren't really a threat at that size. If it were a rat snake I would say go for it! We had a 3.5 ft. one in the feed room this weekend
ya, there's no way I'm going to bother it, I'm hoping the chickens will make it so uncomfortable it finds a new home on its own... That is the only kind of snake I've ever seen around here, and I only see about 1 a year. I have a real issue with them... yikies.
I must be the odd one, but I actually prefer that we have snakes in the barn because they keep the rats and mice down. I have at least one 6 foot Gopher snake that lives in and around the barn and I know there is another one around as well because there were babies last year. The nice thing is that I have NEVER seen a rat in the barn and when we do get a couple of mice they seem to disappear quickly.
Well, if they kill it, they had better eat it, I don't want any part of it left, and that will cut down on my feed bill , hah., I'm hoping it just gets uncomfortable and walks away. Well, not exactly walks, but you get my drift.
We have alot of grain in the barn, and never have mice or rats, I'm pretty sure there are a few unmentionable out there, and last summer saw 3, they were rehomed over the fence, but pretty sure that didn't work haha, cause you know how well field fencing works for snakes, however they are respectful of my phobia, and keep out of my sight.

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