Snake Owners - Share your pics and passion

I actually never keep track of sheddings and feedings past ovulating females and a babies' first few meals.

We actually shoot house sparrows (which are invasive little birds that take over areas pushing out all the native birds) and use them as feeders, saves us a lot of money, the snakes go crazy over them, and we get some of the prettiest native birds in our yard as the sparrows tend not to hang around for very long.
I've heard of many people raising quail now to feed themselves and snakes. I have been entertaining the thought of raising buttons for snake and cat food
and coturnix for snake, dog, and people food.
Many people started with them God their meat and eggs for monitors. For many they're probably easier to raise then rodents, I'm going to be breeding rabbits which will feed both us and the snakes. Its so nice when your hobbies support each other.

I get crazy feeding responses now with those I have started on birds, So if you do start be extra cautious.
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I adore snakes, I even stop and move them out of the road if they pic a bad place to sun. My friends think picking up racers or water mocs makes me nuts, but I can't bear to see them hit and I do it carefully. My mom, who has come to live with me, is petrified of them for NO logical reason, so out of respect for her I dont have any. Truly love them though. Here's one I moved out of the road...


The stupid face was me making fun of my friend screaming in the car and rolling up the window
My Northern Pacific male, 2.5 yrs old, 2.5' long, born in my house from a WC female, the laziest rattlesnake you will ever see . . .
He dont even rattle anymore . . .



I can do a vid of it killing and eating a chukar, I dont wanna offend anybody, so if I get more than 5 requests Ill do it . . .
Northerns are the second worst venom behind the Mojave, these guys have hemo AND nuero toxins . . .
If you get bit by one of these, your hand and arm will melt off up to the shoulder . . .
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Beautiful snakes on here...

I have a 15 yo Brazilian Rainbow Boa, "Harry". We've had him since he was 5. We used to have his sister, but she passed many years ago to an intense infection that just couldn't be beat. It was present when we brought her home. I spent a long time trying to revive her.

Harry is a sweetheart. I need to get some photos.

LovinMyPeeps -- I do the same thing...move them out of the road. It's horrible to see them hit.
Usually they are just kings or bulls, but I've helped out two rattlers -- a young sidewinder who was moving slow due to the chilly morning and once what I believe was a very lovely speckled rattlesnake (didn't pick that one up, just used a kayak paddle to usher him into the brush).
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Oh yeah I am big on moving snakes and turtles off the road and snakes out of neighbor's yards now. My next door neighbor knows my new found 5 ft black snake friend who hangs in my maple tree is to not be touched or due harm will come over any one of them who touches 'George' as we have happily dubbed him.
Last year we had a big dry spell here, and a big storm come through and dumped a bunch of rain, I was running back and forth through town and the country - and I swear from 5 am - 12 pm I had moved 3 black snakes 1 corn snake 1 garter snake and 8 turtles of different varieties in that 7 hrs. It was nuts. Saw countless more that had been killed on the road that day too. It really peeves me off when snakes are off to the side of the road on the very edge on other side of the white line, and so when you see 'em squished you KNOW probably they were hit on purpose 9/10 times.

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