Snakes <3 <3 <3 :)

What a cutie! Looks like a little pastel. It's the crested geckos that are going nuts right now around here. Had 3 hatch yesterday (have had 20+ hatch since summer) and almost 30 eggs still going. The girls and boys are still going, especially the ones that were just reintroduced (we give girls 2 breaks a year to relax). Not breeding/hatching any BPs or Carpets this year with other things going on with work and the house, just don't want any babies to fall behind with them. The geckos are much easier and their food doesn't take up freezer space the same way the rodents for the snakes do, and our current snakes max out our current freezer. So until we have a new/bigger freezer, no more baby snakes. It's sad since I love producing, but better in the end for the animals.
What a Wonderful thread, just what I was searching for to post a few photos taken this past Friday, my Wife and I both watched this fellow for a half hour before I took him to the other side of the house. (Our ducks got a kick out of him also, fortunately they never tried to harm him!)

Poor thing flipped his jaw nearly backwards trying to 'inhale' this egg, we can't breed any more anyways (not enough room) and I usually remove the extras each day. I took him to a dark area and left the eggs with him so he could keep practicing.

I love this thread! I have 4 snakes but the browser wont work well enough for me to add pics :( a 3 ft albino BP a 5 ft caulker caye boa a baby hypo redtail and her normal RTB cagemate

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