snakes-- how do you deal with them, and how do you kill them?

If they eat ur eggs put a fake egg in the place of the real ones and when he swallows it he wont be a ble to digest it and DEAD... also guineas chase after and eat mice, snakes and stuff
Gday, when I was living in WA......(western Australia) I also had a big snake problem. I had 10acres with lots of fish ponds, waterfalls and streams, consequently, lots of frogs.
I have no Idea why God put snakes on earth. Someone said, "they kill rats and mice", well so does rat poison.
Anyways......all these snakes were Venomous and some were over 7ft. So, I went down the local hardware store and bought 100ft of bird netting, (like small fish net). I cut it into about 20ft lengths and just left it laying loose throughout the gardens.
It works like a beauty...... sometimes it would take ages trying to untangle the snake (after I had given it a good Whack over the head).
Just my experience.

Cheers......The Dog
just killed my 3rd black snake after he clean out 2 white silkies nests , 2 blue silkies and 1 baby just hatch sky blue silkies chick i don t usually killed them unless theirn eating eggs r killing my young birds r chick . have lost 3 young black orp many eggs and 1 chick tonight ,it was almost as tall as me and i m 5 5
Gday, when I was living in WA......(western Australia) I also had a big snake problem. I had 10acres with lots of fish ponds, waterfalls and streams, consequently, lots of frogs.
I have no Idea why God put snakes on earth. Someone said, "they kill rats and mice", well so does rat poison.
Anyways......all these snakes were Venomous and some were over 7ft. So, I went down the local hardware store and bought 100ft of bird netting, (like small fish net). I cut it into about 20ft lengths and just left it laying loose throughout the gardens.
It works like a beauty...... sometimes it would take ages trying to untangle the snake (after I had given it a good Whack over the head).
Just my experience.

Cheers......The Dog
The Dog is right! The snake gets tangled up so bad he ain't going anywhere. I use deer netting which is the same except maybe the bird netting may have a little larger openings. Thanks for sharing.
my problems are from eating baby chicks...

have seen atleast 3 different snakes, all too fast for me to get with the shovel. even though I consider myself, quite athletic
my problems are from eating baby chicks...

have seen atleast 3 different snakes, all too fast for me to get with the shovel. even though I consider myself, quite athletic
I have posted for a few days now that deer netting will stop the. I went out today and found the proof. The snake is over 5 ft and was dead by the time I found it.

Good on yu Jimy, great pictures, brings back memories. Hey I would not recommend chasing snakes around with a flat shovel (if they are venomous) .

Thanks for sharing.

Cheers.........The Dog
Oh wow, I definitely need to get some of that deer netting. I've been missing eggs lately and I'll bet a rat snake is the culprit. I've already killed one in the coop this summer with a hoe and that was quite the adventure. They're fast when they want to be and they climb! I always take a look around the upper part of the coop when I enter just to be sure one doesn't jump or fall on me! I hate snakes!
There was a post on BYC about using a minnow trap to catch snakes. Put an egg in the trap and put the trap near the coop wall. The snake crawls in, but can't get out. The trap can be opened to release the snake if you choose to just move it to another area.
The post was from last summer I think.

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