

9 Years
May 12, 2013
Bonaire, Georgia
I have read over many posts about snakes. I am terrified of them, I know it's an irrational fear, but I cannot help it. As I sit here at my table typing this I have the urge to pick my feet up off the floor just thinking about them (see irrational
). We've had a few snakes in our yard over the years. Poisonous as well as nonpoisonous... 2 of our dogs have been bitten by a 2 different copperheads.

My question is has anyone seen an INCREASED amount of snakes after getting chickens? I have this crazy notion that as soon as I put my chickens out in the yard its like I am ringing a dinner for snakes and it terrifies me. I have this cartoon like vision of snakes ramming their stupid heads into my fenced chicken "quarters" (they'll be sorta free range but safe from my dogs) trying to get to them and the eggs. It just creeps me out.
Chances are that if you have seen snakes in your yard previously, you will see them again. If you have hens that are laying, you may find one in the nesting box eating the eggs. The best solution that I have found is to put a golf ball in the nesting box and leave it there. The snake will swallow the ball thinking that it is an egg. Golf balls = not so digestable. If you are concerned about them getting to your chickens, you can spread lime around the outside of your coop to deter them. Also, as weird as it sounds, snakes HATE human hair. I have a family member who owns a local salon. She sweeps up her clippings for me and I spread them around my property. Haven't seen a snake since I started doing it. Supposedly the hair gets between their scales and irritates them. Hope this helped some!
Oh thanks!
I have a friend who owns a salon! That sounds like a great idea, I have heard that putting moth balls down will help, they melt into the ground and snakes don't the smell so they won't cross it. I don't think I could handle seeing a snake in the nesting box.. I would have a heart attack. (completely terrified of them) And we a fantastic
variety of snakes in Middle Georgia!

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