
In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2018
Good evening. I am hoping to get some advice on treatment for chicks that have just started sneezing and sound crackly/wheezing when breathing. This has started within the past 24 hours. I have not noticed any eye or nasal discharge.They are approximately 2-3 week old chicks and a variety of breeds purchased from Rural King. They are housed in my garage in an old large metal water bin with a heat lamp on one end and pine bedding. They are on a medicated chick starter. They are all still appear to be eating and drinking well but a few appear to be a little lethargic. The garage is large and well ventilated and the bin is open.
Should I do a course of antibiotics, if so what kind and dosages please. Also would it be good to do an electrolyte and probiotic water additive?
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Your intuition is good, trust you're on the right track.

Two things can treat respiratory illness. One is Tylan 50, found at most feed stores. You will be giving it orally at .25ml per chick twice a day for five days. If you syringe it into the beak, hitting the right side of the back of the throat, you will be able to avoid the airway which is in the center. Chase it with some clear water as it's somewhat corrosive.

The other thing you can do is set up a vaporizer with Oxine in the water. Oxine will kill fungus, bacteria, and viruses. The chicks will breathe it in as it mists over them, and it can help them get better much faster, especially if you aren't certain of the nature of the respiratory pathogen.

Supportive care such as the electrolytes you mentioned as well as the probiotics are good, as well.
Please post pic of brooder?
Measure temperature on brooder floor,
both right under lamp and at the other end of brooder.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!

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