Sneezing Hens - Seperated - Hens now ok - When do I put them back in?


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Salt Lake Valley
I had 3 of my 15 hens start sneezing. Some sounded a little raspy. One was also pretty lethargic. No runny noses, no swelling of eyes.

So, I quickly seperated them to a different pen. The one perked up fine the next day and after 3 or 4 days they all stopped sneezing. The rest of the flock still seem fine from what I can see.

Now, how long do I wait until I reintegrate these 3 back in with the flock?

(Sorry, I still must not be able to figure out the search page fully yet. "Sneezing how long" searches just seem not to get'r'done)
I actually called the state vet on this. He said it could be any one of 185 different flu-like sicknesses that they could have gotten anywhere. ("dicky" birds flying into their run, something brought in, etc.

He suggested keeping them apart for 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear.

Can anyone else comment?

I had a chicken that was making a honkey high pitched nasally sound the other day, and she's fine now. I think the pollen could be irritating them. some chickens could be more sensitive than others.

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