Snowy Call Ducks or another breed?


13 Years
May 7, 2009
Hillsborough NC
I hatched these 2 calls from some eggs I got on Ebay. Obviously pet quality but that is how they were advertised. In the description, it mentioned Snowys, Greys, Buffs, White and that some would be pure and others mixed.

They are a month old now and we have determined the one with the dark head is a drake and to me it's coloring looks like pics I've seen of Snowy drakes. However, the girl (she is just starting a few little quacks) was born pure yellow and now the fluff has been replaced with feathers that are the same color yellow with a dark feather here and there and just a little sprinkling of dark on her head. I thought her feathers would come in more white - though I admit in this pic, she does look kind of white. Does she look like a female Snowy or some kind of mix? Any guesses?

Looks like you have a white (on the left) and could be a mix or grey or snowy on the right. Need to wait until the feathers come in more as they change a lot as the feathers start coming in. We had a blue/silver colored duckling that feathered in magpie.
I think you may be right-that looks like a Snowy pattern. :)
They may be Call ducks, just larger ones. :) Cute!
Yeah, the eggs were sold as calls, but I agree they look a bit big and the bills aren't as stubby as they should be. But they are so friendly & cute!

Here they are as babies right after hatch:

I lost one of the yellow ones shortly after hatch, leaving us with only one yellow which is now mostly white. The one in the bottom of the picure is the boy.
maybe they are just in the awkward growing stage? the new hatch pictures are cute and make me hope for lots of eggs this spring.
Guess they are "teens" now. Last night was their first spending in the grow out pen. They did better then me and the other ducks didn't express too much interest in them.
Thats what 2 of my four snowy/pekin mix ducklings look like! One of mine looks just like the brownish one and one of my others looks just like your yellow only mines butt is turning brown like the other... also, my other 2 (they are all hatched from the same clutch of eggs from the same parents) are turning out to be black and white, its so strange! But they are adorable.
so its possible they are snowy/pekin mixes like mine.

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