Snowy Mallards

lovin my birds

8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Odessa, MO
I am looking for snowy mallards. I will take ducklings, eggs, or adults. I need them ASAP!!!! I lost my drake and a hen to an animal attack and now that I have reinforced the pen I would like to get a new drake for spring for my girls. Please if you know of any let me know I really need them for my breeding program. They are my new breed for this year. Thank you so much!
A friend of mine by Waterloo Iowa has Snowy Mallards for sale. He has 14 hens and 7 drakes he is looking for a home for.
bluestarfarm would he be willing to ship? I would love to purchase some from him. Depending on price would depend on how many I would like to purchase. If you could find out for me I would be very grateful. I want to be breeding this year so I would prefer not to have ducklings.
A friend of mine by Waterloo Iowa has Snowy Mallards for sale. He has 14 hens and 7 drakes he is looking for a home for.


Sorry I didn't quote you in above post I am in iowa and wondered if your friend still had any snowy mallards? I have a snowy drake and need ladies.

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