

12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
I have 11 hens total..Four are True Ameraucanas-2 Blue and 2 Black.. I got them when they were 4weeks old and spent a lot of time holding, petting and talking to them.. They are the greatest girls--even if they are 33 weeks old and I still don't have a blue egg! I wear a large heavy blue coat each night --when I go out to let them free range and clean the coop etc... Each night, after the girls are on the roost, I go in and touch each one, feeling of them and talk sweetly to them... and thank them! Well, for the last two weeks, the Ameraucanas have been coming over to me and snuggle under my jacket and coo.. I find it really nice and I pick each one up, pet her and place her gentle on the roost.. I find it soooo sweet... Are they really snuggling w/ me? They do it even if it is warmer than usual... I love it... Any body else have snuggle time w/ their chickens???? Dixie
Cute!! Mine do that too.
My little Nightstar (golden phoenix) thinks I hatched him,and he jumps on my lap and snuggles in my jacket. The same is true for Ball,My turken and my other phoenixes. My turken,Sneezy used to do it too.
i am convince chickens can be as affectionate or more so than a dog- course each one is different- but yes my ee's in particular are snuggle bugs.
Wonderful... Now if her sisters will do me the honor! LOL How many eggs have you gotten.. So jealous..
Yes! Snuggling is an unexpected JOY! I am amazed at how calming and wonderfully special it is to love on and hold one of these gals! And I so adore this cooing they do! I didn't know chickens made this cooing sound! So neat!

Must be chicken love!

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