So,19,000 members, How many Chickens do we all have? 26,143 & counting

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4527+10= 4537

Some fun with math:

There are 166 posts so far (about 1 post per member... some posts are like this where people are posting without adding any counts).

We are at 4,605 chickens

That is an average of 27 chickens per member.

We have almost 13,700 members

So, if every single person on BYC posted, we'd have about 380,000 chickens!

I was trying to do that math last night but thought I'd wait until Monday night. I imagine that there are some who access BYC at work. I also know of some posters here who have well over 200 but they haven't posted on this thread yet. Shucks, BYC could be representative of half a million chickens before we are through! Amazing.
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