So long to wait??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
OK, so I really, really suck at this. After two batches with a total start of 6 dozen eggs, I have 8 chicks. My question is this: It is the beginning of day 23 and on day 18 I had 45 viable eggs. On day 20, two chicks hatched and one other pipped. Day 21, two more hatched and the pipped one still hadn't broken out. Today I pulled the now dry and hungry chicks out and while I was at it, helped out the still-alive poor baby that had been pipped for almost 3 days. Don't know if he'll make it, but I couldn't let it go on like that for any longer. What now? How long do I wait before I toss them? Should I candle? I am SO SAD. GLOOM.
Well humidity wise you may want to leave them for another day but as it is day 23 and some already hatched on time you could , candle them and also hold them up to youre ear to see if you hear anything , after you listen and look I would still put them back in the bator till day 24 or 25 if I were you , on day 25 you could then open them from the top / air cell and see if there are any alive . Good luck and IM sorry . I have 6 eggs that made it to day 14 4 showed movement on day 18 and its already day 23.5 and nothing , I will listen and look tammrow morning and go from there.

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