so cold out. should we be worried.

Thanks for the tips. I worry that our coops ate to drafty. The original coop is better than the new add on. We just slapped it together. It is 4 degrees now. Wind chill supposed to be -20' I'm in Pennsylvania.
Windchill is not an issue if they're not out in the wind. I'm sure you'll find that your chickens will be nice and toasty in their coop.
My son was out scooping the poops last week...without his gloves (goober) he came in and said....'hey mom, did you know if your hands get cold you can shove them under a chicken?"


All i could think of was 'poor chicken!"
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Lol to funny. I guess they are ok. My husband gets worried and tells us we shouldn't let them out in the run. But I figure if it was to cold for them they would stay in the coop.

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