So...did any of you catch flack for having chickens?

Only from my mother. But she is a miserable human being and would complain about any and everything I do. So I kept the chickens and ditched the mom. (Not because of the chickens, because of her general attitude in lfe and addiction to perscription pills which she chose over my family) Life has never been happier!
My FIL is very supportive. He is always telling me what he has seen one of the chicks or chickens do. He wants to fill 6 acres with chickens. LOL
No real flack, but a lot of amusement demonstrated by most of my co-workers. Especially since I name the chickens. But they think it's very cool that I sell eggs to other people in the building and VERY cool when I gift them with some fresh eggs now and then.
I love reading everyone's replys! Glad to read I am not alone!
The only flack I've gotten is from one of my coworkers, who thinks all chickens are loud, smelly, ugly, and mean and doesn't understand why I like them. He's not really a bird person as far as any types of domesticated birds go. I don't really care what other people think about my keeping chickens or any other animals for that matter. They can do what makes them happy, and I'll do the same.
I haven't gotten any flack because all of us have had to throw out chicken due to salmonella recalls as well as eggs. They really appreciate the fact that when we grow our own we know the area is clean and the chickens are healthy and we won't get sick if we eat them or their eggs.
Work think I'm the nutty animal lady anyway because I have four tonkinese cats who I worship and treat like my babies (Joey and Amy are 8 years an Olli and Milo are 3.5 years). They give us so much joy and companionship I do and will talk about them given that the subject of cats comes up ...

And now I have 8 chickens (should have been two but in chicken math terms that works out at about eight). My co-workers ask me how the chickens are doing with a look of both amusement and pity of their faces. They think cos I like animals more than people I'm werid ... sigh ... good job my hubby understands me!

My mum thinks I'm nuts but just wants me to be happy so long as I abide by the 'for gods sake, don't tell your father' rule. That way I can do as I please and she doesn't get an earache from his constant complaining.

So, I don't get much flack but no-one really 'gets it' and I am treated as a bit of a freak. Never mind eh? There are worse things to do with your life and I find that deep down I couldn't care a smeg what anyone thinks!
I've gotten a few raised eyebrows, but pretty much everyone I've told about them thinks they're really cool and and wants me to give them eggs. The only negative response I've gotten so far has been from my Grandfather.My Mom asked me not to tell him about the chickens because she knew he wouldn't like them, but my Dad started talking about them, so I had to explain and answer questions (from the other relatives). Grandfather was disgusted and asked why the heck I got them, and told me to BBQ them. I attempted to explain to him, and even offered to show him one, but he just kept saying "BBQ them".
Oh well, I can't win them all. He's always been a city person, and is always a little shocked when he hears we're not doing things the city way.
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