So Dusty!


9 Years
May 6, 2010
SW Iowa
After reading lots on here I decided to put a small swimming pool and a few inches of ash, dirt and a little of my wood shavings in it for dust baths. The chickens love it but there is a coat of dust all over everything in there. Even the eggs when I pick them up are dusty. I know it is suppose to help with the mites and lice. I do have 2 windows in my coop and so I know there is some ventilation.
I could put it outside but as the days are getting shorter and we do work and the girls are in the coop when we are not home, very soon there will be days they won't get outside. This is why I moved it inside. I have read that other people put small pools in their coops too. I am just wondering if I need to do something different.

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