So excited! My goose egg hatched!


7 Years
Feb 12, 2016
The Ozarks, MO
My Roman Tufted Goose egg hatched! I saw an external pip about 9pm Saturday night and watched the cracks grow on Sunday. When I left for work this morning there was a flap of egg shell moving up and down. Made hubby give me regular updates and heard about 1:30 that it was fully out of it's shell, quite active and drying off.

This is my first incubated egg, my first hatched chick, and I'm super excited that it happened with geese. Already signed up for the hatch-a-long and I'm going to get some "Sons of Kazoo" from my EE roo (and a mix of EE/wyandotte/bovan hens) and probably some eggs from my neighbor who have a mix of buff orphingtons and welsummers.

Had to share my joy with people who would understand. :) I'll try to post pictures when I get home from work.
Thats fantastic. Geese eggs require more interaction during the incubation process than chicken eggs do. Congrats on your first baby. Be sure to keep us posted about how its doing.
Thanks! I didn't mist/cool the eggs, but I did turn them 2-3 times a day, so perhaps that took the place. :)

SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Look at this baby of supreme cuteness swaddled in the towel. Such an innocent little baby bird. BABY BIRD!!

(gos)'Ling. Then the bottom pic. The WEBS. That tells me that this baby child burb is a baby goose.

Thank you for the tag @caesargirl
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Thanks so much everyone! Mom called the egg "Tweet" and so that's the little one's name. It's cute because if mom or I start talking to it, it comes out from under the Brinsea brooder. I told mom I bet it recognizes our voices since we talked to the egg all the time.

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