SO Excited! We just candled our Broody's clutch of 12 eggs..


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Smithfield, PA
We got our Broody Hen 12 Buckeye eggs on 7/1, so today is day 11 for her clutch.. we candled them tonight and I think we have 11 (of 12) eggs with babies in them, so far.. it's our first time candling eggs to see how they are progressing.. one egg is solid black, so I marked on it, but left it in the nest... the other 11 are clearly developing.

It's so exciting.. I'm counting down until next Thursday.. think I may be camping out in the coop to see the babies hatch! (our Broody hatched her first 2 (of 6 eggs) in April, but I was away on business and missed the hatching.. luckily my husband sent me pictures, but it didn't do it justice... this is MY first hatching!!)

(Jerry, our broody hen, is seemingly ALWAYS broody.. she is meant to raise babies!)
Are the eggs all the same age? Mine usually look black around day 18, if not it could be bad so keep a close eye on it or it could explode.
Best of luck with the others hopefully they'll hatch when you're home this time
I have 22 eggs that should hatch same day as yours I had 24 but 2 were very clear nothing in them as far as I could see.

Good luck keep us posted.........
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