So Far So Good ... Happy Baby Chicks


7 Years
Well, the coop is nearing completion and the chickie-doodles are here! I drove to Meyer Hatchery on Monday to pick them up, saving them the stress of the mail-order ordeal. 7 chicks, 7 varieties. All females (hopefully.)

The only one that seemed a little iffy upon arrival home was the White Jersey Giant. I simply made sure she had enhanced water, chicken feed and was extra warm and by Tuesday she was as chipper as the rest. She has actually turned into what I deem as #2 in the pecking order. Yes, even at 5 days old they have determined who is charge - the Buff Orpington is #1 for sure!

Only other problem is someone (I think the newly recovered White Jersey Giant) is pecking everyone's wing feathers out! I am letting them sort that all out among themselves. No one seems to be haggard or anything, just wingless! If it gets out of hand I will put her in the time-out corner. Yes, the time-out corner.

Since they appear to be thriving I have already dubbed them with their monikers ...

Buff Orpington - "Sookie" after the character in True Blood, since she is blonde, bossy, and rather hyper
White Jersey Giant - "Pearl" since she will be all white
Easter Egger - "Hazel" for the color of her eggs (blue/green)
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte - "Moneypenny" after the character in the James Bond movies and because she cost the most!
Buff Brahma - "Baffie" which is Gaelic for slippers
Black Australorp - "Duff" which is Gaelic for black
Barred Rock - "Kraegg" which is Gaelic for rock

One final note for now ... we have 2 very large Golden Doodles dogs, who usually bark at anything that moves. This was a concern, as once the chicks are moved to the outside coop I did not want the dogs barking at the hens whenever they are outside. So, yesterday (at 4 days old) when cleaning the brooder, I placed the chicks in a low rubbermaid container, hung their brooder lamp from the light fixture over the counter and brought the chicks into the kitchen. I then called the doggies over to investigate. Cappy was quite interested, but no barking or jumping. Izzy decided to completely ignore them. With that being successful, I then took the container of chicks and went to the sofa with them in the box in my lap. Izzy continued to ignore them, with only a look in their direction every few minutes. But absolutely no barking! Cappy was quite nosey, sniffing them, etc, but no barking and no jumping and NO EATING! I feel this first introduction was a success.

Today I will try this again for a longer period. I will then start keeping them for longer periods on the counter under the heat lamp until the dogs both completely ignore them. Once that's successful, I may let the chicks lose on the kitchen floor for a short period (don't want them getting too chilled) to see what their running around might do to the dogs.(There is a baby gate between family room and kitchen to routinely keep dogs out of the kitchen.)

My goal is to de-sensitize the golden doodles in regards to the chickie-doodles, hoping this will translate to a similar reaction once everyone is outside in 6-8 weeks.

Any thoughts?

Good job. Pictures?

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