So fast


Free Ranging
Jun 4, 2022
I knew chicks grew fast but my gosh. My little ones aren’t even 2 weeks old yet and I have had to put chicken wire over the top of their brooder because the little ones are flying on the sides of it! Luckily my husband and I don’t have much more to do on there chicken house! I sometimes feel like the hatchery gave me some older chickens….I mean I really don’t know because this is my first time but 2 of them are bigger than others. We call them the twins because they are the only 2 that look exactly alike. We obviously know they aren’t but they don’t do anything without the other. This is how I caught them sleeping one night. They are normally right by each other. It’s kinda funny….


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Welcome to chicken parenthood 🙂 We've raised 3 batches of chicks and are still amazed at how fast they grow(and get into trouble🤣) Your twins are so sweet and it looks like they are on their way to being best friends.
Thank you! I sure hope so! Neither one of them like being held…I’m hoping we can get them used to us. Normally with the others I can pick them up and them make noises (of course) but then quite down when they realize it’s me. Nope, not those two. Lol
I was just telling my husband today ours arent even 7 weeks and the difference from when we got them at a few days old till now is insane. Within 6 weeks they are huge and look like completely different birds.
Luckily they kind of look the same still but they are starting to get the new feathers, so they don’t are starting to change. I can’t wait for them to get a little bigger! We want to know how many males we might have sooner than later so we can make them a separate home. Not only that but I really want to know what we have. I’m sure most are EEs but I can tell already they are gonna be really pretty girls(or boys)

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