SO I candled the duck eggs last night.....????

Can see the little 2 week olds swishing around in the eggs now! Momma is smart, she figured out my work schedule and stopped getting off the nest when I am at home. She got off yesterday around 1:00 p.m. (which is safe on a weekday but haha I was home SUnday and got to get a peek!) she caught me, AGAIN, but I watched her get back on and she didnt seem too upset about my smell on her eggs. I only got to look at the top 3 before she came back in, but definitely see blobs, veins, and swimming
Well she is due on the 12th according to my calculations...and she hasnt given me a chance to candle again since my last update...I had to lock the goats in the pen that is attached to the stall she is in, so I put a board across the door low enough for her to go under to get out but the goats cant go in. I also put her feed dish in, but not by her just over by the door so if she gets up to eat she will be able to see her swimming pool and go outside. I am getting antsy!
Here is Meade being a good mommy. I dont know WHY she pulled so many feathers out yesterday, you can see them all over by the wall...they werent there the night before?

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