so i finally tried feeding some raw meat...

What meat are you referring to? Raw meat or all meat? Because they still put meat in hog feed Buckeye feed uses Fish meal..


Check your link it says no meat or bone meal. Guess fish meal is not meat. illegal to feed raw meat.

Copy this from another site about pork. If you butcher either hogs or chicken fed raw meat here are few of your risk, sure eggs could carry them also.

Potential health risks
Uncooked and untreated, the meat may harbor worms and latent diseases. Many of these infestations are harbored in other animals as well, such as salmonella in chicken.

Pork with its fat trimmed is leaner than most domesticated animals. Otherwise, it is high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

The pig is the carrier of various helminths, like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous and common is Taenia solium, a type of tapeworm. Tapeworms may transplant to human intestines as well by consuming untreated or uncooked meat from pigs or other animals.

[edit] Trichinosis
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deerman: Check your link it says no meat or bone meal. Guess fish meal is not meat. illegal to feed raw meat

Do you mean Porcine Meat and Bone Meal? Porcine Meat and Bone Meal is Meat and Bone Meal from pigs...
Fish meal is a meat/bone meal.

deerman: illegal to feed raw meat

That may be but in your other post you just said
big problem started when farmer were feeding hogs meat. It is now illegal.

and you didn't say raw meat that's why I asked
What meat are you referring to? Raw meat or all meat?


HA, ha I have done that with the same look on the dog's face, way to funny.....

I feed my girls raw meat and cooked meat all the time, not huge amounts of it, I see nothing wrong with it. They do eat any "meat things" they can if they find them, worms, bugs, mice, snakes...
Chickens will actively hunt small animals and insects. As far as parasites are concerned raw table meat would be a low risk. They are more likely to get them from the grasshoppers, crickets, and earthworms they pick off all the time. Parasites are something we will always have to deal with. Even the most redefined champion show silkie will chase down a grasshopper if given the opportunity. We fish a lot in the summer and my chickens sneak in and run off with whatever hits the ground while cleaning the fish. They have been so bold as to one time jump on the processing table and steal a bass fillet from the bowl while I was not watching.
Yep. We always allow the chickens to eat whatever meat scraps they prefer from deer trimmings, organ meats, chicken offal, dead snakes, groundhogs, etc. This is life in the chicken world and God designed them this way, who am I to mess with divine design?
My chickens LOVE raw meat. You should see them fight off the dogs for the deer leftovers after we skin them! LOL It is hilarious. We feed them leftovers of any animal we clean...even chickens!

My dogs are also on a raw diet. I do not buy dog food. We raise chickens for them to eat and during hunting season they eat what we hunt.

It's what nature intended
I agree! I can't imagine how all these animals that eat raw meat escaped the terrible parasitical and germ plague that is supposed to result from it.....

C'mon, folks! They are chickens.
So this morning the girls got their usual warm oatmeal, I added in some finely grated raw cabbage and some sweet blue grapes.

They went for the grapes, then picked at their food and looked at me, sqwawking and ticked off there was no meat like the past few days!

These are NOT fussy girls, they love everything!

I'll give them a bit of leftover cooked pork roast this afternoon along with their home-baked bread treats... sigh.

I've created little monsters!
Do you mean Porcine Meat and Bone Meal? Porcine Meat and Bone Meal is Meat and Bone Meal from pigs...
Fish meal is a meat/bone meal.

deerman: illegal to feed raw meat

That may be but in your other post you just said
big problem started when farmer were feeding hogs meat. It is now illegal.

and you didn't say raw meat that's why I asked
What meat are you referring to? Raw meat or all meat?



From your link, note its says no meat.


High lysine and balanced AA to calorie ratio to promote muscle versus fat deposition
Contains no meat and bone meal (porcine) or animal fat
Contains fishmeal, rolled oats, and low levels of whey to encourage consumption
Contains elevated levels of ZnSO-4 to reduce greasy pig syndrome, CuSO-4 and yeast(from Lasaffre or Biosaf) to maintain healthy stool quality​

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