So... I put fake eggs in the coop, AND...


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
I put fake eggs in my coop because I have 3 that will start laying soon. I went back to check on the fake eggs and it looked like my chickens had a game of kick ball with them.
Haha, I have a few hens that just started laying, but they always lay their eggs out side of the coop on the ground. There are 2 nesting boxes in the coop that they wouldn't use. So a few days ago I put a golf ball in one of the boxes. Now one of my hens uses the nesting box, but it uses the one without the golf ball, and they keep pulling the bedding out of the box that has the ball in it! Everytime I check on them I notice that the ball has been moved. So I guess they don't like that nest because of the ball but one hen instantly started using the other box. Now if I could get the other hen to use a box!
Haha, I have a few hens that just started laying, but they always lay their eggs out side of the coop on the ground. There are 2 nesting boxes in the coop that they wouldn't use. So a few days ago I put a golf ball in one of the boxes. Now one of my hens uses the nesting box, but it uses the one without the golf ball, and they keep pulling the bedding out of the box that has the ball in it! Everytime I check on them I notice that the ball has been moved. So I guess they don't like that nest because of the ball but one hen instantly started using the other box. Now if I could get the other hen to use a box!

Hmm well it would seem to me that if one is using the nest boxes, then remove the golf ball. Chickens are kind of obsessive compulsive. So I suspect they prolly tried sitting on the golf ball and didnt like it. Let me know if you remove the golf ball.. I am curious to know what happens.
Mine do that too! move the fakes all over the place but now they've been in there a while(3 weeks) they leave them alone. I'm hoping they all try out and peck the hard wooden ones and leave the real ones alone, we are just starting to get eggs too and I'm paranoid about the girls not mature yet getting board and turning into egg eaters!!

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