So I went into Tractor Supply today...

Passed Dels/TSC today, saw they had their "Chicks are here" sign up, kept driving cause I got 15 BLRW ordered for next month & don't have room for more :rolleyes: but may go back tomorrow "just to look" :lau

"just to look"
Sounds familiar.
Actually sounds like something that ends up with adding on to the run and building another coop.

Or at least that's what I've heard...
Im not a chicken expert(this is my first year), but those ¨chipmunks look exactly like my Americana chicks. Maybe they got put in the wrong bin or labeled incorrectly? There are a few Plymouth Rocks mixed in there so ignore them.
i am talking about the eye mark. males won’t have a dark, defined “eyeliner” mark, if they have one at all. it’s the dark strip running right across the eye

Well, in that case it would appear that I have one of each as the one chick has a very defined mark while the other one is there but rather subdued.
I was in TS today and had to stop and adore the chicks. I wish I didn't have so many chickens because I'm really going to miss watching moms raise their young this year.

If those chipmunks get salmon chests then they're female Welsummers. Males will have black chests.

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