So is she gonna hatch these or what?


10 Years
Nov 22, 2009
Western NC
Last year my goose laid 14 eggs. I tried to hatch them in my incubator and failed. So this year I decided to let her handle it. Well, so far she's laid 9 eggs. It looks like she's setting on them at night but gets off all day to roam around the yard. I would think the first couple probably froze since it was pretty cold when she first started laying.

Do these eggs have any shot at hatching, being as they're set on half the time and ignored the rest of the time? I thought she'd wait till she'd laid them all and THEN start setting, but apparently she didn't read that book.

I'm sitting on my hands at this point. I really want to snatch them up and incubate them but I've already proven I can't do any better than she can, lol. Can somebody reassure me she knows what she's doing?
My goose is doing the same thing. She, and her mate, are 3 years old. The man I bought them from last summer said that he got 8 goslings from them that spring. As of today, my goose has layed 22 eggs. The first three froze and busted, so she has 19 in her nest. I hope we get our answer!
I love the pic!!!! All those eggs geez. Is she broody at least or is she just laying and doing whatever she pleases?
Last year my goose laid 14 eggs. I tried to hatch them in my incubator and failed. So this year I decided to let her handle it. Well, so far she's laid 9 eggs. It looks like she's setting on them at night but gets off all day to roam around the yard. I would think the first couple probably froze since it was pretty cold when she first started laying.

Do these eggs have any shot at hatching, being as they're set on half the time and ignored the rest of the time? I thought she'd wait till she'd laid them all and THEN start setting, but apparently she didn't read that book.

I'm sitting on my hands at this point. I really want to snatch them up and incubate them but I've already proven I can't do any better than she can, lol. Can somebody reassure me she knows what she's doing?

I can only speak from my Muscovy and her eggs, she sat on them at night for the first week, then just got serious Yesterday and is now sitting full time, Just try to give her more time and see if she gets serious, and by the way I am in western NC and looking for a female goose for my Embden gander if you get any out of your hatch..
my goose has laid TWENTY ONE eggs! sometimes she sits on them, looks at them, beats the tar out of the rooster for getting too close but nothing steady.I am going to leave them two weeks and see if she figures out what she intends to do with them. I have another who has buried her eggs in the flower garden who seems a little more consistent. These geese follow me around like a bunch of toddlers on crack and 21 more gives me the heebie jeeebies but we will give them a chance. heaven knows how many are under the dirt in the garden
I'm also feeling your anxiety. My Pilgrim has laid 25 eggs so far by the back door, which annoys Everybody. One did bust, but I'm concerned that she's isn't sitting on them yet. She hatched all that I hadn't messed with last year on April 15. Here it is March 22 and she's still just visiting daily. This is also my American Buffs 1st year and she has 10 eggs and also not sitting yet. I wonder if this crazy warm weather has any thing to do with it. Has any one noticed late sitting for their geese and ducks too?
Well I am in AR and my geese are doing the same thing. We now have 23 eggs in the nest and that is after taking a large number and placing them in the incubator. I have three geese laying in the same nest. First one will go and sit for an hour or two and move the eggs around and then the next one will take her turn. Only one of mine gets aggressive when anyone gets close to the nest and if any of them sit I expect it to be her. Mine are all only a year old though so I can't tell you if they are late setting. My oldest daughter has chickens and her best sitting hen hasn't started setting yet either. She is further north closer to MO, not far from Branson.
My first year w/Pilgrim goose but if they set like ducks.... in particular Muscovy, then they will sit on them at night UNTIL they are ready to incubate, then set on them full time which is when you start counting the days. My Lilly is sitting on about a dozen and has been very attentive to her nest... I started counting days when she sat FULL time... but today is day goslings yet.
Sweet mother of pearl. yesterday one goose was setting on her eggs at night-the ones she buried in the garden with only one visible. Tonight that nest is empty-if you can call eggs underground a nest-and a goose is setting on the 21 eggs in the barn. If she is still there in the morning I will start counting. It looks to be the most promising of the nests. What a production! AT least with the nest in the barn i can close her in at night to keep her safe. sheesh

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