So MAD I could SPIT!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
Shelton, WA

I went to close up my chicken coop tonight and say goodnight to my girls as usual, except my 2 kids came out with me.

As I was tidying things up inside, I glanced at the nest boxes to do a quick visual count of the golf balls, I came up with 7 instead of 6.

My daughter was so excited! So was I, actually. My pullets were born in April, so I wasn't expecting them to lay for another month at least.

We guessed it to be her hen Zoey, a Barred Rock, since she has been sitting down in the shavings the last 2 days.

She asked me to make her a special breakfast with her hen's egg.

I went to call my husband and he started laughing. He set me up. He placed one of our eggs in there and went so far as to smear some poop on it.


My daughter was very sad.

Now I am not at all mad that I bought 2 new Blue/Splash Marans pullets today and did not tell him. I called him and told him I was going to stop and get chickens. He said, "Okay, see you tonight, save me some". He thought I meant KFC. I did not correct him.

Nope, don't feel bad about it at all now.
You are so funny.
However, I hope you have put the newbies in quarantine, so it will not backfire on you and your flock.
Sorry I would also be really mad but that kfc thing is hilarious haha lol
I mean it's fine if he/you guys want to joke around a bit and play pranks on each other and stuff, but that was really mean/rotten of him, he took that one WAY too far, that was just plain mean and rotten. and too get your/his daughter so excited and then to have her find out it was just a prank and get her all upset, was really mean, to do that or even think about doing that is just plain mean, and exspecially to your own daughter/family, That's awful. Just mean. That's just plain awful of him to do that. and the last poster (rustyswoman) was correct, he definately needs more of a punishment than the kfc thing, I mean its great and all but its just not enough for such a rotten prank/joke. Does he know about your kids being there and getting all upset? You should tell him, maybe he will realize how mean and rotten it was and hopefully feel sorry/guilty. What a jerk, that's just plain awful and mean and rotten and errrrrrr I could spit too, I am also mad! haha lol kfc was hilerious though
and although it may seem mean and awful to you now, in 20 yrs or whatever when you look back on it/this you will laugh and find it funny.
I really gotta type faster when i started typing the last post rustywoman was the last poster but there are now 2 other posts haha lol

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