So my grandma is dying...

I spent the year as "the cruise director". I never did correct her or try to tell her where she was or who I was. I was glad she was somewhere pleasant in her mind.

I pray that your grandmother finds as pleasant a place, and finds peace.
Your grandma was lucky in a way, mine had dementia and was convinced Nazis lived across the street. This was years ago and we didn't have a good understanding of what she was going through. We spent her last years arguing with her and trying to convince her everything was ok.

My heart goes out to the op, ninjasquirrel. Years later I still think about the good times with my grandma when I was a kid. Things will get easier and keep reaching out for support from family, friends (including us) as much as you need to. :hugs
No uti and for whatever reason they did not perform a mri. I seriously think ER doctors just dont care anymore. It used to be you could go to the er and they wouldnt let you leave unless they knew what was wrong with you. Now they rush you out the door and tell you to follow up with your primary care doctor.

Buttonquailgirl14...she was murdered?! I wont make you discuss it as im sure thats horrible for you. I know it happens but im always shocked to hear it. It should not be common place.
yup, in a very small town too, Northport Wa….. we now live 8 miles away from her house... it was very sad to lose my grandmother and my great grandmother within a month or two. I am so sorry about you grandma.:hugs
Thats horrible. I hope they caught the guy.:fl:hugs
actually, it was several people... the prosecutor tried to accuse my mom of paying someone to do it:th she bawled for days, it was her own mother! many people here belive that the prosecutor is in with the drug cartelling because he pardoned 3 of the people that had their DNA in at the scene for no apparent reason... and one of them only got 5 (if I am correct)years for brutally torturing and murdering a 65 year old woman, he has also stabbed 2 other women (both survived it)…. it is very sad and unjust.:hit
actually, it was several people... the prosecutor tried to accuse my mom of paying someone to do it:th she bawled for days, it was her own mother! many people here belive that the prosecutor is in with the drug cartelling because he pardoned 3 of the people that had their DNA in at the scene for no apparent reason... and one of them only got 5 (if I am correct)years for brutally torturing and murdering a 65 year old woman, he has also stabbed 2 other women (both survived it)…. it is very sad and unjust.:hit

I'm so sorry, that's just awful! I can't believe that someone would do that!:hit
actually, it was several people... the prosecutor tried to accuse my mom of paying someone to do it:th she bawled for days, it was her own mother! many people here belive that the prosecutor is in with the drug cartelling because he pardoned 3 of the people that had their DNA in at the scene for no apparent reason... and one of them only got 5 (if I am correct)years for brutally torturing and murdering a 65 year old woman, he has also stabbed 2 other women (both survived it)…. it is very sad and unjust.:hit
Im very sorry your family had to go thru that:hugs. Where our justice system failed god will make it right as he can truely punish the wicked.

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