So new I don't even have Chickens!!


7 Years
Mar 29, 2012
Good Morning! My name is Jackie and I live in Brainerd MN. I am looking into getting about 3 chickens to have for eggs and pets. Right now I have tasked my husband with building a coop, from a design I found on this site (Thank you!) I am going to an auction Sat, and if not there, will soon start my search for 3 little hens. Being a newbie, I am hoping for a little older hens, like 4-6 months. Later on, I may try to raise little peeps. Baby steps! I have a feeling I will be on this Forum a lot, and also plan on buying some kind of a reference book. Thanks for reading!!
Hi Jackie, and welcome to BYC from Ohio! We've all started with no chickens! LOL Sounds like you're getting all prepared.

I would like to recommend you get chicks. That's because you can raise them up to be very tame and friendly, and you'll enjoy them much more.

I've purchased started pullets, and also chicks, and I'm always happiest with the chicks, and truly, if you're prepared, they're very easy to raise.

Anyhow, that's just my humble opinion, and I hope you really enjoy your hens! I know you will!

Take care,
Thanks for the message! Very good point, chicks would be a fun experience, and would also help if my husband drags his feet building the coop!! Plus I really do want nice, friendly chickens. Is this a good time to start chicks? I just don't want to only start getting eggs when the weather starts to get cold!
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Hello from Maine ! If you're looking to have them as pets too, Wyandottes and Orpingtons are very friendly, but on the large side, and come in so many colors. Mutts are just as good too ! You'll love this site. It has so much information on just about everything.
Thanks for the message! Very good point, chicks would be a fun experience, and would also help if my husband drags his feet building the coop!! Plus I really do want nice, friendly chickens. Is this a good time to start chicks? I just don't want to only start getting eggs when the weather starts to get cold!

Springtime is the perfect time to get your chicks. They will begin laying in appx 20 to 25 weeks, depending on the breed. Some even start at 17 weeks. You're absolutely right, if you get chicks now, then your hubby will have time to get that coop built for you.
Hi and welcome! I just started as well, and I have (among others) pair of buff orpington chicks that are the friendliest of the bunch, and winter hardy - but they mature a bit slower than some of the other breeds. The red pullets I got from the TSC are mixed breeds, bred for good egg laying, and they are also very friendly. They will most probably give me my first egg.

Whichever ones you choose, I also recommend getting them from chicks if you intend to have them as pets/layers - if you get them when they are already a few months old, you might not be able to develop as much of a bond. Plus they are super cute!

Good luck and have fun!

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