So now there are chickens in the den


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 4, 2010
Florida Panhandle
The feed store was scheduled to get a batch of Rhode Island Red chicks in today, so last night I went to Walmart and got a wire dog kennel, a brooder light, and bedding. After work today, I bought six new babies! ( I swear, I was only going to buy four.)

I was surprised at how self sufficient they are. I thought I would have to show them where the water and food were, but they seemed to know already that anything my hands brought into their box was edible. One of them already caught a bug all by herself.

This is the girls in their box in the car.

This is someone with no fear of me or my camera.

Guess I'd better get on to building that coop.
Chickens in the den sounds about right. I've got quail in the garage and the family room and doves in the spare bedroom. I had chickens, turkeys, and ducks all hatch out and live in the spare bedroom for a few days until they moved out to the garage and the ultimately to the outdoor runs.
Toast'n Jelly :

Such cute chubby little things!

I know! They're so round!

I wondered if they'd ever go to sleep last night. Poor things. They'd fall asleep in pairs, leaning against each other. (Not huddled like they were cold, just looked like they were holding each other up.) Then they'd wake right back up and go back to eating. (They never stop eating!) About midnight, five of them were actually settled down and sleeping. The sixth couldn't stand the quiet, and started peeping until they all woke up.

I was shocked to find a cage full of sleeping birds this morning. I didn't think it was possible.​

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