So sad...

4H kids and mom

Cooped Up
12 Years
Mar 10, 2007
Southern Wisconsin
Well, our chicks were sent out on Thursday morning, due to arrive by this morn. PO says they aren't there, and there are no other Priorities coming in at another time today. I even called our main PO which is where the chicks were routed from last time, and they say they dont hear cheepin either. I reminded them that with it being in the 70s out, if they arent cold they wont be cheepin, and its such a small box its probably misplaced. The main PO closes at 11, as does our local. If we cant find them by then, I am certain none will alive when they finally get here on Monday.
Thats 5 whole days without food/water. I really doubt they'd make it.

I was so worried about all the extra chicks I'd have, now I'm fretting over the ones that wont make it here. I spoke to the hatchery, and they are just as upset. They will, of course, replace any losses, but that doesn't help the poor souls that are forgotten somewhere now. Aww, poor babies. Makes me sad to think of them suffering in a dark tiny box somewhere. Yes, half of them are meat birds, but they deserved to live the 8 weeks they were bred to live at least. I'm soooo sad right now. Tryin to be hopeful that someone at the PO will do their job and find them and call me. I dont even mind driving the hour plus to go get them. Poor babies....

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