As usual, i have nothing "special" to say.. i just wanted you all to know that i am still and will always be thinking of you all..

For me, that is as much appreciated as anything else. No news on Sara yet. Ken is another story.....
Deerman you sound like you got some kick *** still with you. You have been in my thoughts. That was a trip when you said you were worried bout people you might leave. Man that has been my worry this whole cancer ordeal. I have made my peace either way. I make it a point to get out and have fun as often as I can. Slow down and smell the roses has a meaning to me now. Prayers,S@R@

I am glad you are felling well ! You do deserve it!
I am cracking my depression with diet and exercise... and positive thoughts. Every time a negative thought enters my mind I push it out, I tell myself,"Nope, I won't bite on that hook." and I think of good things.
I have the garden planted and that is always a great thing!
I am soooo glad you are feeling good!

Hey so happy you are doing better. I will hit you up a message but I gotta get my but to bed lol Bye doll, S@R@
For me, that is as much appreciated as anything else.  No news on Sara yet.  Ken is another story.....

Yes, i'm very sorry to hear about that with Ken.. :(
And Sara,.. oh wow,. soo young!

I just DONT understand WHY they cant find a cure already!! I just cant believe it in todays time that people still have to suffer with this evil disease.. .. ..:he
Hey everybody! Long time since I posted. Life has been... well, ya know.
I start my 7 weeks of radiation tomorrow.
I'm going to try to keep my mind off of it by planting some seedlings.
I brought my shelf with grow lights back in the house. It's all clean and ready to go.
We also picked up some chicks at the feed store.
And we have a broody hen that we might let set a clutch.

I guess the biggest thing that worries me it the increased risk of lymphedema.
I'm so young, still quite active and don't want to be limited.
There are a lot of chores around here that have my name all over them.

Please remember to pray for Heaven. Sounds like she is having a rough patch right now.
High fevers, low blood pressure and infection are giving her heck.
I can't imagine the toll on her mom, Angela, who is by her side every minute.

We also know of a lady who has just been diagnosed with stage 4 BC the has spread to her lungs.
She is on some hefty chemo. It doesn't look good and she has 3 young kids.

I hope everyone here who is fighting hard is hanging in there.

When this life gets stinky...
I'm so glad I have the strength of God to keep me going.
I'm so glad I have heaven to look forward to!
Are u ready for the mushy stuff yet? First off I hate this for you! Your mind is racing the cursed word Cancer. Your mind goes nuts. Will I live or will I die? Did I really catch it in time? Your sad and angry. You ask why me? What have I done to deserve this? (plus many other reactions, u know what I mean) These are normal reactions.

Surgery is the easy part. As others have said it's the attitude. I have had friends who had uteran cancer including my mother-in-law (70's). You can beat this! I had breast cancer. I was diagnosed on 6/6/06. Freaky huh? I'm fine now. None of my friends with uterine cancer had to undertake chemo or radation. Chemo and radiation is what truely sucks! It does put u into early menopause which also sucks.

There also a positive side to this. Your life gets a proper prospective of what is truely important. Your family and friends. I am sure they all have rallied around you! Keep a great attitude for not only u but also your brother. You'll make it through this and be stronger in the process!

I'll say alot of prayers for you and your brother. God bless. Teri
Are u ready for the mushy stuff yet? First off I hate this for you! Your mind is racing the cursed word Cancer. Your mind goes nuts. Will I live or will I die? Did I really catch it in time? Your sad and angry. You ask why me? What have I done to deserve this? (plus many other reactions, u know what I mean) These are normal reactions.

Surgery is the easy part. As others have said it's the attitude. I have had friends who had uteran cancer including my mother-in-law (70's). You can beat this! I had breast cancer. I was diagnosed on 6/6/06. Freaky huh? I'm fine now. None of my friends with uterine cancer had to undertake chemo or radation. Chemo and radiation is what truely sucks! It does put u into early menopause which also sucks.

There also a positive side to this. Your life gets a proper prospective of what is truely important. Your family and friends. I am sure they all have rallied around you! Keep a great attitude for not only u but also your brother. You'll make it through this and be stronger in the process!

I'll say alot of prayers for you and your brother. God bless. Teri
Hey everyone, if you pray (or just think good thoughts) please send some towards my mom's friend (Tana). She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and through testing they have found it in her lymph nodes and liver. They have not officially told her what stage she is in, but she is preparing herself to hear stage IV. She is 45 yrs old and has two sons in high school.
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Hey everyone, if you pray (or just think good thoughts) please send some towards my mom's friend (Tana). She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and through testing they have found it in her lymph nodes and liver. They have not officially told her what stage she is in, but she is preparing herself to hear stage IV. She is 45 yrs old and has two sons in high school.

Prayers coming. Just because it's in her nodes and liver doesn't mean it's "her time". One of the ladies I worked with has been though colon cancer, breast cancer(we had sugery a week apart) uterine cancer and now liver cancer. This lady only missed a week of work the entire time. She needs to do as we all do, or should do, Think the best, prepare for the worst. Attitude is a major key in surviving.

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