Just coming back to BYC after being gone awhile... Our little boy, 3 years old now, is fighting brain cancer. He is on hospice now.... Hoping to find support and encouragement during this difficult time. His name is Spencer. It's been a long hard road for all of us.

Feel free to ask questions, just forgive me if I don't respond very quickly... Life is very hard right now. Thank you all!

Suzette - I'm so sorry for what you, Spencer, and others who love him are going through. Wishing you strength. JJ
Again, Suzette, If you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to, or just want to chat, we are here for you.
Thank you all for your support! It's been very rough.... Anyone who is interested, you can visit his page on facebook, Prayers For Spencer. I think his pic right now shows him with a chubby face, and a long bright red wig on :) he isn't bald, it was right after Halloween and he borrowed part of his sisters costume!

Spencer has PILOMYXOID astrocytoma, in his brain stem and brain and spinal canal. There is no cure at this point. Docs thought he wouldn't make it till Christmas, but our guy is showing them wrong!

He had a tiny bit of chemo, almost two years ago now, but it didn't help. So we stopped it. We are still trying to use alternative stuff, but at this point, life is all about quality, and we push to make sure he gets lots of fun times, even though his body is 99% paralyzed. He gets seizures now, from the pressure of the tumor, but thankfully, they haven't killed him, and we have been able to manage them using frankenscense oil and occasionally Ativan.

I am keeping a small flock of chickens in our little backyard, recently added two nigerian dwarfs, and am looking forward to a garden this spring. The animals help me relax and get away from the harsh reality I face with Spencer. They brought me such joy before he was diagnosed, I am hoping they will give me peace when he has passed.
It is so very difficult to find words. They fail me.
When people are there in person, being silent but present is comfort. At those times words are not necessary.
When it is on a forum like this words are very necessary. I know many here want to say something.
You are living our worst fears. We are speechless. wordless.

Please know we are thinking about you and your son and the rest of your family.
Take care of yourself during this time.
Find a mental space to breath and do nothing.

I read something about finding that time while doing chores.
It never occurred to me to work on mental clarity while cleaning the shower, but I will give it a try.
You are indeed in my thoughts and my prayers, and so is Spenser.
Keep us informed.
My great aunt currently has Stage One Overion Cancer and is going through Chemo she is expected to survive, also my parents mothers both are cancer survivors one to breast cancer and I am not positive on the other but I think it was bladder cancer
I have been following " Prayers for Spencer" on he has been having a good day..Suzette posted that Bereavement Councillors have been in touch with her..this is heartrending,,, I sent a post on the facebook page to let Suzette know of the prayers and great messages you have all sent...
I am asking anyone and everyone to pray for Suzette and Spencer...her latest post on facebook is heartrending to say the is of raw emotion and so hard to read..let alone acknowledge...she is aware of your heartfelt messages of support...

If anyone wishes to read her posts...especially the latest can log onto facebook and the title "Prayers For Spencer" ...

This is not easy reading...however it brings into perspective...what life and great love is about...

My tears are for both Suzette and especially Spencer...

Thank you all

I have been thinking about them. I figured it was not good. It is difficult. You want people to know you care, and that you wish them well, but you do not want to remind them of their loss or their impending loss.

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