RIP Lauren Hill. Only 19years old. Inoperable brain cancer tumor. Prayers for your friends and family. The world has lost an awesome soul. Heaven has gained one.
She was just getting started.
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I am feeling numb right now...a great friend of mine was diagnosed with a sarcoma on her ankle two years ago..the sarcoma was removed..all was well, that is until last June..she developed a swelling behind her knee..she decided that she would have her leg removed ( a hard decision by any standards )...she was given an MRI showed that she had sarcoma in the groin and lung there was no sense in removing her leg..spoke to her a while ago and she is now resident in a Hospice in the UK...

She is a wonderful person..has a great faith in GOD and I am sure that your well wishes and prayers will help her through her transition...

Please offer your prayers for a wonderful are unique.. I do so love you!
I am sorry.

I will send prayers for comfort.
I am sorry she has gone through so much.

I sometimes just do not know what to say.
so much needs to be expressed when a friend is in this situation, but how?
Silent comfort does not communicate well over the Internet.

Suzie, Please try to rest and think good thoughts. remember good times and have faith that her transition will be ...serene.
Val is tired this evening and does not wish to communicate with anyone..I do so understand...I have sent her a card with a lot of photographs of our times here together in France..I do so wish I could be in England right now to be with give her any comfort I can is hard for me, as I also acknowledge for Val...she is such a unique person..I am honored to have such a great friendship with a wonderful friend...
So sorry! Cancer sucks. I will pray for her. You take care of yourself so you can be there when she needs you (even if just over the phone).
I spoke to Val on the 'phone last Tuesday...we chatted and had a wonderful time..she told me things that she would not share with anyone was a wonderful privilege to share her thoughts...since last Tuesday she has gone downhill rapidly...she has high doses of morphine and I pray that her transition will be peaceful and pain heart is aching so much for if that was enough to cope with ...yet another close friend that I have known since childhood has today had surgery for breast cancer...yet another great friend that I met through BYC has also had surgery today for sight problems...

Please offer any prayers of comfort you can to help friend that need us!


We need an exploding hug emoticon that is like a hug grenade, and little hugs fly everywhere.

I am sending you one big one. You are a tender heart and tender hearts hurt for others. Take care of yourself.
Prayers all around.
We need an exploding hug emoticon that is like a hug grenade, and little hugs fly everywhere.

I am sending you one big one. You are a tender heart and tender hearts hurt for others. Take care of yourself.
Prayers all around.
You lift my have such a wonderful way of expressing thoughts..thank you for being such a great soul!

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