Soaking a MealWorm in Corid...? Good/Bad idea?


8 Years
May 25, 2015
Ukiah, CA (NorCal)
From the reading I've done I would say my little ButterCup has a mild to mid case of Cocci.
She sits or lays down about 80% of the time with her wings dropped.
She IS eating and drinking and the other chicks are not picking on her.

I have medicated the water with 1 tsp of Corid to 3/4 Gal of water... I was just thinking... to MAKE SURE she gets the Corid in her why couldn't I let a mealworm soak up a teeny tiny bit of Corid and feed it to her. She loves those worms and will eat them from my hand.

Before I do..... thoughts on this!!?!!!?

I am broken hearted that she is "ill" and this being my first experience with chickens doesn't help much.


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I should say "in addition to" the medicated water ..... what do you think about a soaked worm...and they don't soak up too much, I laid one down in a DROP of Corid...just gets it wet enough, what I'm worried about is it not being diluted enough.

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