Soap Makers Help!

lol your right, i got excited and never kept reading. Congrats Amber! You will have to keep us posted about that whole thing. I have to post pictures of the last soap I unmolded today and I'm making a spearmint soap this evening as well.
Trying to get back into the soaping after having not soaped for so long. Its looking up. And I entirely agree that soaping makes great therapy.
I am using the bitter almond fo from EOU. It smells much more like the extract and less like cherry cough drops than any other brand I have tried. I love it. I can send you a sniffie if you want. And it is super cheap!! Like $8 something a pound!
I am using the bitter almond fo from EOU. It smells much more like the extract and less like cherry cough drops than any other brand I have tried. I love it. I can send you a sniffie if you want. And it is super cheap!! Like $8 something a pound!

Cool! But not until I send you YOUR box of sniffies. I'm really slacking here!
Kid #2 now has the sick bug and it's looking more and more like it might be piggie flu, too.
aww so sorry to hear your kiddo are sick

Hope they feel better!

I made some cucumber & mint last night. I used the shreds from the failed batch but you can hardly see the green shreds. Smells good though!

Shelly, did you try that small shaving bar I sent in your box? That's the one that used 20% castor. I didn't really care for it. I'll send you some of my new ones, I like them a lot better. Would love your opinion.
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Is that what that was? It wasn't labeled. No, I haven't tried it yet because I was going to ask you what it was before doing so. I included a shaving bar in your box as well (the one that STILL hasn't left my kitchen table) so I'll be looking forward to sorting through to see if we can figure out a great shaving bar together!
Does anyone know where I would find out how much clove eo to use ppo max? I want to do the rainbow meadow blend, Winter Song, which calls for .5 oz black pepper, 1.5 oz clove and 1.5 Ylang for 5 pounds of oils and that just seems like a lot of clove. I know I have seen site that gave some reccomendations on how much to use but I can't find it now. Any suggestions?
I did a search and couldn't find it either. The only thing that I came up with is that a 1% usage may cause some skin irritation and sensitivities.

I would imagine that this one may move quickly. Are you planning to use full water?
I think I'm going to cut the clove down to 1 oz. That is about .2 oz ppo and that is what I use cinnamon eo at and do not have a problem.

I can handle a fast tracer, it's when it solidifies in the pot I get in trouble. But I'll soap cool and not do a steep discount. I think I'll use coconut milk in this. I think I'll layer this one, Pink clay with a cocoa powder layer between?

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