Soap Makers Help!

I forgot to add...someone was talking a few pages back about lotion soap. I just recently started testing a recipe and have found fabulous results using emulsyfying wax. The wax is not in any of the calculators...but if you put 1 tbsp per lb I'm getting a soft soap that is cutable 4 days into the cure. It hardens slower but it nice.
Try it out in a small batch...and tell me what you think!!

I melt the wax with the solid oils...
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Glad to hear that you guys are on the mend. The teas sound like a great idea! I think visual things like that draw people in. Glad to hear that you well, even being sick.

Can't wait to see soap in your fab new mold.
CT -- That is awesome looking... Post a pic when you slice it up -- I bet it will be even prettier if that's possible.... I'm experimenting with in the pot swirl but it never really comes out in the vertical molds...

I wish Lurky would come back on-line and let me know what her DH would charge to make me a mold... I really like that mold....
Brandy, that is beautiful!!! Can't wait to see cut pictures! It's so easy to use the silk isn't it. wait till you try it. I can tell a difference and so can most of my testers. My mom was the only one who couldn't tell a difference between the soaps with and without.

Oh, I'm looking to do some emulsified sugar scrubs as Christmas gifts this year and I am having a hard time find cetyl alcohol, beeswax, e-wax, titanium dioxide and a preservative all in one place. Any know where I could get all those at?
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I can't wait to see the rest of the pix as well! Beautiful!

I can also tell the difference in the soaps with silk. I've only used it in a few varieties, so when I grab a soap scrap end to toss in the shower, I'm not always thinking of what scent it is and how I made it so it's really like a blind test of the soap. It's amazing to me that something so inexpensive and used in such small quantities can really make that much of a difference. But, it does!

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