Socializing 2 Week Old Ducklings.... Can it be done - And How?????????


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Proudly Born in the USA
I know that I could post this in the Duck Forums, but I figured that socializing ducklings isn't that much different than socializing chicks, and I'll probably get more hits here anyways. :)


On Friday I went to TSC to look at the chicks. The manager there said that I could take home the ducks (Pekin) for $1 a piece, since they were already 2 weeks old.

I've never had ducks before, and decided to get them for the fair this year, since they don't need pullorum testing.

Because they are going to be show ducks in a few months, they obviously need to be super friendly.
At 2 weeks old they haven't been handled much, having spent 2 weeks in a store.

I've been handling them a couple times a day. Mostly they just squirm and squawk.
I can now get them to (sometimes) take bread from my hand, but if I move just slightly, they freak out.

So, what I'm asking is, do you think that I can get them as friendly as if I had gotten them at a day or two old? And how should I handle them, or get them calmer/friendlier/more trusting?????

I would LOVE any tips on socializing them/preparing them for fair.

I know that I could post this in the Duck Forums, but I figured that socializing ducklings isn't that much different than socializing chicks, and I'll probably get more hits here anyways. :)


On Friday I went to TSC to look at the chicks. The manager there said that I could take home the ducks (Pekin) for $1 a piece, since they were already 2 weeks old.

I've never had ducks before, and decided to get them for the fair this year, since they don't need pullorum testing.

Because they are going to be show ducks in a few months, they obviously need to be super friendly.
At 2 weeks old they haven't been handled much, having spent 2 weeks in a store.

I've been handling them a couple times a day. Mostly they just squirm and squawk.
I can now get them to (sometimes) take bread from my hand, but if I move just slightly, they freak out.

So, what I'm asking is, do you think that I can get them as friendly as if I had gotten them at a day or two old? And how should I handle them, or get them calmer/friendlier/more trusting?????

I would LOVE any tips on socializing them/preparing them for fair.


Well, I wouldn't let them free range, not if your trying to calm them down, I notice with my ducks they follow me around up until it's time to go outside, Then we have an all new ball game going on. It seems once we get freedom, we take advantage of that, so I would keep them locked up and handle them each day, touching them all over etc. You can torment them with treats, Ducks love things like meal worms, wax worms etc....
I get "attacked" by mine and mugged when I bring them those mealworm treats. the older muscovies I used to have would come running for boiled spaghetti noodles. I guess the way to tame them down is through their stomach and then daily training /handling.

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