Sod in run idea - what do you think


6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
Good morning fellow chicken keepers
I bought a 2 x 5 piece of sod from the local home improvement store to put in the run. I plan to change it out every few weeks as I know it won't last forever. I'm just going to put it in there so they have a bit of green oasis to eat and play on. I used to let them free range a few hours every day but my Barred Rock keep flying over the fence to the neighbors, so they all have to stay in the coop. (I thought if any, it would be the Leghorn or RIR who'd jump the fence.) Anyway, has anyone tried this. Any reason why this is not a good (if not brilliant :)) idea?
Thanks for the input.
Maybe my only concern is did they use a fertilizer on the grass, might be easier to clip their wings and let them free range again.
Oops...... How long will the fertiliser be potent (effective) ? Kind of don't want them in the yard anymore. Not in the mood for poop on the patio. Leaving their poopy gifts on the mat by the back door all the time. :-( I only have 4 and their run is 24 x7' So, I think they have enough space. I just want them to have some grass. With as little as possible work for me!! :)
I've read here on BYC that a month after fertilizing the grass "could be" considered safe. The sod (2x5) won't last a few weeks--likely it'll only last a few days (sorry...) If you want them to have grass/clover all the time and can't free range, check out "grazing frames". They are a great way to give them access to greens and keep it simple. Depending on your winter weather, you can put in some winter wheat in the fall, it'll grow here in Ohio for much of the winter!

Maybe a tractor would be a good idea. You can move it around the yard to different spots everyday so they will always have fresh grass. It will fertilize the yard naturally too.
I did do some sprouting for a while but got tired.....
I went back to ask and they said the grass had no fertilizer or insecticide on. Anyway, too scared to use it now so I'll just add it to my lawn that they killed off previously.
. I'm going to build then one of those grazing frames and see how it goes. Thanks for all the input and advise.
I was thinking the same thing with the sod. Wanted grass in the barren run when they aren't free ranging. I've seen here on BYC some ppl make a frame with untreated 2 by 4's and attach hardware cloth to one side creating a platform. Plant grass seed under it. When the grass grows through the hardware cloth they can eat it, may be able to place sod under it and water the sod for it to continue growing. That can be placed in a section of the run. That way they cant dig on it until ot dies or turns to dirt. Haven't tried it yet but would like to eventually.

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