Be sure to let us know what the vet says. Thinking about you and Pipsqueak
Okay so, just got back from the vet. Vet says there are 2 full sized soft shell eggs in her. The vet said one was stuck and she managed to dislodge it but it did not come out there. For now i got some anti inflammatory meds that she said would help with the pain and help to prevent them from getting stuck in there by inflammation and she also said it would help with contractions. I gave her the first dose of it and put her separate from the other ducks in her pen. I also got a quote from the vet for the procedure to knock her out and have them try to extract the eggs and that would cost $360 which is honestly a lot less than I expected that to be. I don't know if I'll be able to make enough for it but I will work as much as I possibly can without driving myself insane for the time being and I might be able to make it work if needed. They also said alternatively I could surrender her to them and they would cover the cost of whatever surgeries are needed, but they would release her into the wild afterwards. I was pretty shocked to hear this considering they are domestic invasive animals but maybe they have some sort of weird acception because they are licensed rehabbers but it didn't sound right to me I guess if it really came down to either do that or have to put her down I would but it just does not sound right. For now I am just praying that she will manage to get them out since the vet dislodged it with the help of the anti inflammatory.
What is the med the vet gave you to use to help with contractions? Pretty amazing to me she isn't sick having two stuck in her. I sure hope she can pass them both.

I just don't feel good about the alternative she said about you surrendering her and then them releasing her.
It just sounds fishy I mean how do you know you surrender her they euthanize her and toss her out.

Muscovy are so hated. And they are such awesome ducks
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What is the med the vet gave you to use to help with contractions? Pretty amazing to me she isn't sick having two stuck in her. I sure hope she can pass them both.

I just don't feel good about the alternative she said about you surrendering her and then them releasing her.
It just sounds fishy I mean how do you know you surrender her they euthanize her and toss her out.

Muscovy are so hated. And they are such awesome ducks
The med is metacam
Just brought her in for her warm bath, got a couple more of these little white gelatinous egg balls. She refuses to stay in the warm bath for more than 10 minutes without trying to jump out and when she tries to jump out i just let her out so she doesn't hurt herself. I feel like if she really utilized the warm bath to push them out it would help her a lot but she does not understand that is what she is supposed to be doing in there.


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I’ve never heard of metacam causing contraction it’s mainly used for pain and inflammation. Are you still giving her the cal glu? What did the vet say these things are?
Perhaps she just meant it will help with the pain of the contractions, yes still doing the cal glu. Actually not positive what they are she said they were abnormal I didn't think to ask what they were but they should call me back today or tomorrow to check in so I will ask then. For now yes she is eating and drinking good, and she is spending more time with her chest up in the air trying to push those eggs out which I see as a very good thing because before the vet I didn't see her visibly trying to push them out at all. This morning I woke up to her broody sitting on her sisters egg. Not sure if I should encourage or discourage the broodyness as I feel like it could help her focus on pushing it out or distract her from pushing it out I'm not sure.


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