Soft egg laying under roost

If all of your are relatively new layers.... I hear that it is pretty normal for new layers to have "hiccups" in their routine. Also when mine laid her "Rubber egg" it was very soon after another egg. again a disruption in the system. From what I understand these irregularieties are nothing to worry about unless they continue to keep happening. Give it a few days and see if things return to "normal"
My chicken and ducks have already started increasing their food intake since it's been cold. I give mine yogurt once a week and put it out in the early afternoon. The only thing I do like about the cold temps setting in here, I know the yogurt won't spoil. Heehee
Today's update: nothing unexpected outside of the box, and so far two normal eggs in the nest. Hoping yesterday was just an odd fluke.
Interesting. I've read in a couple of other places that, contrary to what you'd expect, chickens will decrease food consumption when it's cold. That made no sense to me given what I see with horses, dogs, etc., but it does seem to be what's happening with my flock so far. I like your idea of yogurt in the afternoon!
My chicken and ducks have already started increasing their food intake since it's been cold. I give mine yogurt once a week and put it out in the early afternoon. The only thing I do like about the cold temps setting in here, I know the yogurt won't spoil. Heehee
Interesting. I've read in a couple of other places that, contrary to what you'd expect, chickens will decrease food consumption when it's cold. That made no sense to me given what I see with horses, dogs, etc., but it does seem to be what's happening with my flock so far. I like your idea of yogurt in the afternoon!
Interesting. I've read in a couple of other places that, contrary to what you'd expect, chickens will decrease food consumption when it's cold. That made no sense to me given what I see with horses, dogs, etc., but it does seem to be what's happening with my flock so far. I like your idea of yogurt in the afternoon!
Your chickens would be good testers for that, Mi is cold, but I think New Hampshire is freezing. I hear it is very beautiful there. Congrats on the normal placement of eggs today. lol
. Here is an egg (well, two) that are both rubber and attached by a tube. We are getting regular rubber eggs from one of our 12 hens. Don't know who as they are free range and share nesting boxes. Confused as to what to do as we have lots if oyster shells and good feed. All other eggs are normal.
My chicken and ducks have already started increasing their food intake since it's been cold. I give mine yogurt once a week and put it out in the early afternoon. The only thing I do like about the cold temps setting in here, I know the yogurt won't spoil. Heehee
Speaking of yogurt. I gave my group their first taste of yogurt last week. It disappeared so fast. I doubt they will let it be there long enough to spoil.

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