Soft shell egg and shelless egg from same chicken in one day?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 2, 2009
For the past 3 or 4 days we have been finding two weird eggs under the roost, either late at night when we go to check on them and then this morning. It looks like they are being laid while they are on the roost, and they are right together like the same bird is laying them. The chickens are all pullets about the same age, 24weeks. 3 of them seem to be laying now, with good shells and shape etc. But we still have 2 that we're not sure what they are doing.

So, can the same chicken lay two soft or no shell eggs at one time, or is it from 2 chickens? What is the deal, and what is the cause of the soft shells? They have free choice oyster shells, and are given Nutrena layer feed.
I've read from several people that they have hens that have occasionally laid more than one egg in a day. So I guess that's possible.

Sometimes new layers will lay shell less or soft shelled eggs. It's really not unusual. You provide oyster shell and layer feed, and that's good. It may just take a little time for their systems to work out the whole egg laying thing. If you're really concerned, try adding a little cheese/yogurt/spinach or other high calcium foods to their diet for a little while. But I bet they'll get it squared away soon.

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