Soft shell eggs?


Nov 10, 2016
Lumberton, North Carolina
@Miss Lydia the last 2 days Flossy has had soft shell eggs again. They look like pullet eggs but are the size of a normal egg. She is eating them as well. I'm giving her shells, & this evening I'm going to mix some scrambled egg & egg shells in her food. Also that grower (that I accidentally got) that I'm mixing with the all flock has stuff for 'egg production'... I know her accident didn't mess her up because we've gotten 3 normal eggs since then. Is there anything else I can do? Besides match sure she is getting protein.
@Miss Lydia the last 2 days Flossy has had soft shell eggs again. They look like pullet eggs but are the size of a normal egg. She is eating them as well. I'm giving her shells, & this evening I'm going to mix some scrambled egg & egg shells in her food. Also that grower (that I accidentally got) that I'm mixing with the all flock has stuff for 'egg production'... I know her accident didn't mess her up because we've gotten 3 normal eggs since then. Is there anything else I can do? Besides match sure she is getting protein.
Gosh sounds like if soft shell she needs more calcium. And maybe she is eating them because they are soft shell?? I am not sure. But try the egg shell and scrambled egg if she'll eat it mine won't eat cooked egg. You could try her on some calcium citrate for about a week and see if that helps at all. It comes in capsule or the one i got did and you just open the capsule and mix in the water.

Did i give you this already?
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OK. I can get it where all the other vitamins are? I made a mix with eggs, egg shells, peas, & crumble! Hopefully it will go over well! This is just so weird for her! We have NEVER had a problem with her laying...I could ALWAYS expect a egg every single morning! Except while molting but just as soon as she was done... She started laying again! & I haven't changed anything... I'm bumfuzzled! I'll try to get some calcium in her!!
OK. I can get it where all the other vitamins are? I made a mix with eggs, egg shells, peas, & crumble! Hopefully it will go over well! This is just so weird for her! We have NEVER had a problem with her laying...I could ALWAYS expect a egg every single morning! Except while molting but just as soon as she was done... She started laying again! & I haven't changed anything... I'm bumfuzzled! I'll try to get some calcium in her!!
I ordered on line but I would think just about any place that carries a good line of vitamins would have cal citrate.

One of my Buffs was laying soft shells eggs back last year she hadn't been laying long but about 2X a week I'd find a soft shell usually out side or in the pool, I started her and the rest on the cal citrate and now I haven't seen a soft shell in a long time..Up until the last month I was giving it to them 2X a week but not at all now just to see if she is over it.
Ok. Gotcha. So 2x a week... & it's OK if Felix drinks the same water? It can't hurt him.. only help him right?
They say too much calcium isn't good for the boys but I can't separate mine from each other so I use the bucket that I see most of my girls use and only that one to put in the cal citrate.
So today I go to collect eggs & clean up the pin & yayy there is a normal egg in Flossys nest! It was a little thin, but acceptable! Well, just now (or a few minutes ago) I go out to clean the daytime pool so Sassyfras could get a swim in before dusk & there is a egg I'm the pool... I pick it up & of course it's soft! This is the first 1 in a few days... It was the perfect shape, size, fully intact.. just soft!! Being that it was in the pool & Everytime I find them I find them in the pool... Does she not realize she is laying them? Can pullet eggs be so big? She's getting calcium, & oyster shells, & brewers yeast! Which I can tell a difference in her demeanor since she's getting the extra nutrition...She's even walking better! So that is awesome! I guess I just need to ride this egg thing out & see what happens? Since she isn't in pain & I'm giving her the extra nutrients?
So today I go to collect eggs & clean up the pin & yayy there is a normal egg in Flossys nest! It was a little thin, but acceptable! Well, just now (or a few minutes ago) I go out to clean the daytime pool so Sassyfras could get a swim in before dusk & there is a egg I'm the pool... I pick it up & of course it's soft! This is the first 1 in a few days... It was the perfect shape, size, fully intact.. just soft!! Being that it was in the pool & Everytime I find them I find them in the pool... Does she not realize she is laying them? Can pullet eggs be so big? She's getting calcium, & oyster shells, & brewers yeast! Which I can tell a difference in her demeanor since she's getting the extra nutrition...She's even walking better! So that is awesome! I guess I just need to ride this egg thing out & see what happens? Since she isn't in pain & I'm giving her the extra nutrients?
Hopefully it's just a fluke, your sure doing all you can to help. Maybe when in the pool she is so relaxed it just slip right out. We do rec. if one is egg bound to let them soak in warm water.

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