Solar light and predators


7 Years
Mar 2, 2016
We've noticed that since we switched from a small coop in an electric poultry pen to free-range birds who roost by the house, we've not lost any birds. We were losing them at a rate of about 1 a month. Thinking it has something to do with the motion detecting solar lights on the house. We've heard plently of foxes, coyotes, and owls, but haven't had any attacks for over 4 months. More of the feathered morons have been hit on the road, but that's a different issue :)

Any ideas on this? We also outdoor cats that sleep in the same area, if that might effect it.
Cats do very little for foxes and coyotes other than make a nice side dish to the chicken main course.

Are they roosting in open trees or a coop? If trees, i think thats been your benefit as coop/run birds have no escape if a predator is able to penetrate the defenses. Higher branches are out of reach of most predators.

However, open roosting relies on the judgment of the birds to be safe.

I keep my free range birds in a secure coop.

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