SOLD - AL - 14 mixed breed eggs, $8 + shipping

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12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
I've got some extra eggs this afternoon, if you're looking to cheaply add some new (mutt) blood to your flock. These are from all kinds of chickens crossed with all kinds of roosters, mostly heavy breeds like RIR, buff orps, barred rocks, etc. Almost all of my chickens are dual purpose breeds. There's an easter egg in this batch, as well as a polish cross and a silkie cross (both bred with normal heavy roosters). These eggs were all laid today.

If these don't sell today, they'll go in the fridge for the roadside stand.

Price is $8 for 14 eggs, plus whatever the USPS charges for priority mail to you, plus fifty cents to cover the cost of the bubble wrap, peanuts, and egg carton they'll be packaged in.

Anyone interested?


Note: the picture actually shows 15 eggs, but if I try to squeeze that many in, it pushes the package over 3 pounds and raises the cost from the USPS. If you want all 15 and will pay their charge, you're welcome to them all.
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Chickenboy, I'll be glad to send you some eggs this weekend if you want to order some (I'll even honor this price), but I'd rather be paid first.
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