Sold as a lemon cuckoo


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2015

Brought 3 silkies, 5 lemon cuckoo. (All day old chicks) it looks like I received 4 & 4. But this chick is growing faster than the other silkies. Any thoughts?
Definitely a frizzle. It could be from someone's Sizzle project, and I'd guess they've just gotten started from pink skin on that chick (or maybe someone fence hopped and it was a complete accident).

What breed are the lemon cuckoo chicks (out of curiosity)?
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I ordered 5 lemon cuckoo. But one of them ended up being this one (frizzle or sizzle) I did message her and she said yes she accidentally made a mistake and would trade me for a lemon cuckoo if I wanted. I said I will keep the sizzle. Can anyone tell me the color? Maybe buff sizzle? Thanks

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