Some information and experiences with polish chickens?


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2016
I am thinking about adding some polish chickens to my silkie coop because of their small size and unique looks. From reading about this breed I thought that they would work great with my silkies. Has anyone had any experience with mixing polish with silkies? I also read that they are not very cold hardy. I live in a very cold climate, so should I pass on this breed? Anyone want to share general thoughts about polish chickens to help me figure out if I want to try out this breed?
I have 3 Polish Girls. Less than 1 year old. Had one previously also. Thing to remember is that they come in Standard size, and Bantam size. The bantam variety is obviously small, but not as small as some bantams. The standard variety, is quite tall but not as muscular shaped like other chickens. Sort of teardrop shape. They lay small to medium eggs and not many of them. They are supposed to be cold tolerant. I think at least as tolerant as your silkies. Only issue I am having with them during winter is when they drink water. Their fros mop out the water from the open drinking container. When they lift their head to swallow, the mop drips water all over their frontal feathers. Some more than others. I solved that issue with a rubber band by forming a pony tail on top of their head. Funny but effective. Here is a pix..

With their head feathers like above, they have limited vision as to predator attacks. They are easily caught by me when I simply approach them from the back. AKA hawk magnets just like silkies. I was thinking about giving them haircuts.
I have 3 Polish Girls. Less than 1 year old. Had one previously also. Thing to remember is that they come in Standard size, and Bantam size. The bantam variety is obviously small, but not as small as some bantams. The standard variety, is quite tall but not as muscular shaped like other chickens. Sort of teardrop shape. They lay small to medium eggs and not many of them. They are supposed to be cold tolerant. I think at least as tolerant as your silkies. Only issue I am having with them during winter is when they drink water. Their fros mop out the water from the open drinking container. When they lift their head to swallow, the mop drips water all over their frontal feathers. Some more than others. I solved that issue with a rubber band by forming a pony tail on top of their head. Funny but effective. Here is a pix..

With their head feathers like above, they have limited vision as to predator attacks. They are easily caught by me when I simply approach them from the back. AKA hawk magnets just like silkies. I was thinking about giving them haircuts.
Yes, I will probably go for the bantam size. I have the same water issue with my silkies and I might just try chicken ponytails out! I keep my silkies in a run with head coverage. I thought they might be hawk magnets so in the silkie coop the will go! I trim up my birds face fluff if they can't see well, but its super hard to do it on a bird that isn't docile.

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