Some keets I hatched recently

I have just come up from collecting eggs guess how many???
Thanks, me neither, well not here anyway.... I can't stop looking at this keet (cinn) it is in like a fort knox pen now and is only allowed out when i'm there watching cannot trust those grey goshawks!!!!
Thanks, me neither, well not here anyway.... I can't stop looking at this keet (cinn) it is in like a fort knox pen now and is only allowed out when i'm there watching cannot trust those grey goshawks!!!!

LOL, you better take out a life insurance policy on it !!! Perfect giant monster sized lizard snack, eek!!!! Stare at it long enough and maybe it will multiply!

When is your next hatch due? And are they under broodies or in an incubator? (see, again I need to pay better attention, lol). I know you just shoved a bunch of eggs under several broodies, but I can't remember if you are using an incubator at all for the last 70 or not.

There's no tellin' how many eggs you've collected... cuz I don't even know how many Hens you have lol.
LOLOLOL I know i'm so in love with this keet
I breed Zoophobas (giant mealworms) and gave the family a few
ok heaps
and well I was literally saying out loud " get it you cinnamon beauty"
and he did listen, his crop was so full

I think I have misled a few people
The 70 eggs are not X2 just the one lot
i'm not that flush with girls

I collected 17 eggs today ..... HOW COOL IS THAT!!! White Guineas, here I come
Once upon a time we were getting 40-50 chicken eggs a day... Ahh good times those were! LOL

I'm so jealous of you guys getting eggs already... My call ducks have quit on me since this warm weather has brought them into molting.
LOLOLOL I know i'm so in love with this keet
I breed Zoophobas (giant mealworms) and gave the family a few
ok heaps
and well I was literally saying out loud " get it you cinnamon beauty"
and he did listen, his crop was so full

I think I have misled a few people
The 70 eggs are not X2 just the one lot
i'm not that flush with girls

I collected 17 eggs today ..... HOW COOL IS THAT!!! White Guineas, here I come

I wouldn't necessarily say you misled anyone, I just didn't know how many Hens you have, lol. I'll have eggs coming out my ears with 45+ Hens all laying regularly in the next couple months. Maybe I'll load them all on a barge and send it to Oz!

17 eggs is a nice find
... Sounds like you need more broodies tho! Or a cabinet style incubator you can keep stuffing eggs into and a separate hatcher for the staggered hatches! (Which is something that's at the top of my wishlist).

LOL @ you over stuffing that lil Cinny with giant mealworms. Hope you burped him after he was done eating!
I need to start raising mealworms, in mass quantity... just the regular sized ones over here cost an arm and a leg. But mannnnn the Guineas and keets LOVE them! (Not to mention they are great to have for coaxing ill or injured birds into eat something nutritious!).
Once upon a time we were getting 40-50 chicken eggs a day... Ahh good times those were! LOL

I'm so jealous of you guys getting eggs already... My call ducks have quit on me since this warm weather has brought them into molting.

Yeah, my calls have stopped laying, but probably a good thing considering I have about 200 LOL, The guineas are nearing the end of the season now, so the race is on to hatch as many as possible...... One of my dogs has figured out that guinea eggs are yummy, so now gotta beat the dogs to the nest as well as all the other hungry beaks and mouths.
Hey Peeps, Well I have 16 mature hens, but the 17 eggs would have been over a few days....... And yes bigger the barge the better!!!!

With the mealworms, these superworms are way better than the regulare mealies, more guts and less exoskeleton..... also they won't pupate if they feel the friction of other worms on them, so to pupate the mature worms they are put in individual containers. I have about 10 kg of worms at present LOL.
I wouldn't necessarily say you misled anyone, I just didn't know how many Hens you have, lol. I'll have eggs coming out my ears with 45+ Hens all laying regularly in the next couple months. Maybe I'll load them all on a barge and send it to Oz!

17 eggs is a nice find
... Sounds like you need more broodies tho! Or a cabinet style incubator you can keep stuffing eggs into and a separate hatcher for the staggered hatches! (Which is something that's at the top of my wishlist).

LOL @ you over stuffing that lil Cinny with giant mealworms. Hope you burped him after he was done eating!
I need to start raising mealworms, in mass quantity... just the regular sized ones over here cost an arm and a leg. But mannnnn the Guineas and keets LOVE them! (Not to mention they are great to have for coaxing ill or injured birds into eat something nutritious!).
Yeah, my calls have stopped laying, but probably a good thing considering I have about 200 LOL, The guineas are nearing the end of the season now, so the race is on to hatch as many as possible...... One of my dogs has figured out that guinea eggs are yummy, so now gotta beat the dogs to the nest as well as all the other hungry beaks and mouths.

Oooo! 200?? Thats a lot of calls! I would be in heaven if I had that many!

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